We will be holding a pre-conference training at CF.Objective 2009 for ColdBox.

Below you can find information about the course and how to register. Don't miss the opportunity to learn all there is not know about ColdBox!

What is CBOX-100? Intro to ColdBox is an intense 1-day training course that will get you started with ColdBox Application Development. This course focuses

on the main aspects of ColdBox Development and it delivers a one-two punch to get you started.

Event Details: http://www.coldboxframework.com/index.cfm/events/cfobjective-2009-cbox100

Registration: http://cfobjective.com/precon.cfm or email [email protected] so you can add the training course.

Pre-conference classes are a separate cost from the main CF.Objective event.


Hyatt Regency Minneapolis


May 13, 2009


9:00am - 5:30pm



Seats per class: