Into The Box 2024 Videos Available!

16 Jul, 2024 9:07 AM
[Into The Box]( is a web development conference I help start almost 11 years ago in the Minneapolis area. It centered on collaboration, networking, and just good fellowship with our fellow CFML/Web Developers. It mostly centered at the beginning around ColdBox, as that was my only open-source project at the time. However, now after 11 years it has morphed into a full-fledged web development conference focusing on all kinds of projects, languages and of course all the goodness we create at Ortus. This year was special as we brought forth **BoxLang**.

Previous Posts

Speaking at Adobe's ColdFusion Summit 2024

I am excited to once more join the Adobe ColdFusion Summit as a speaker. I will be talking about building **modern and fluent RESTFul services. **

Learn how to build a Modern RESTFUl API using BDD with me!

I am excited to be hosting a training workshop in Las Vegas, Nevada just before the Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2024! This will be a 2 day workshop over the weekend where we are going to focus on building a RESTFul Content Management System using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) approaches. Space is limited, so make sure you get your reservation going today:

Ortus Developer Week 2016 is coming

I am super excited to be part of yet another Ortus Developer Week this November 14-18th. This virtual conference has been put on by my company, Ortus Solutions, for more than 5 years now in order to empower developers with more FREE training and knowledge.

This year's lineup looks oustanding with major speakers from major companies like Google, Ionic, Couchbase, Nginx, IBM and much more. So [register]( now for over 20 great free training sessions.

Testing Automaton Slides - CFSummit 2016

Here are my slides from my Testing Automaton presentation. In this session, I investigated all the ways that you can automate your testing processes with TestBox and many CI and automation tools. From Jenkins integration, Travis CI, Node runners, Grunt watchers and much more.

RESTFul Tools For Lazy Experts Slides - CFSummit2016

Here are the slides from my presentation at ColdFusion Summit 2016.  My presentation was on RESTFul services and how to have good design principles. How to tune them and scale them. Hope you enjoyed it.

Into The Box 2015 Call For Speakers

The Into The Box 2015 conference has just been announced and I am super excited to be part of it for another year.  This year it was a great success and such a great networking event with speakers and attendees from across the world.

Spicing up Eclipse with Themes

I just stumbled upon this site today: after spending so much time on dark IDE themes and going back to ColdFusion Builder, I was getting a nice headache.

Into The Box 2014 Photo Album

Just wanted to share the Into The Box 2014 Conference Photo Album Slideshow! It was a great and exciting event, see you next year!

ColdBox Developer Week 2014

I am very happy to announce that I will be speaking at another ColdBox Developer Week coming to a desktop, mobile, ipad, Android, etc near you!  The ColdBox and ContentBox teams and several community members join forces each year to bring you a weekly FREE training online extravaganza.