CFObjective 2008 Advanced Workshop Resources posted

CFObjective 2008 Advanced Workshop Resources posted

Posted by Luis Majano
May 04, 2008 00:00:00 UTC
I just posted my Advanced Workshop session given today. It was a great presentation and attendance. If you where not there, you can still check it out by going to the wiki presentations area. The presentation shows all the demos we should have done, I am also uploading the complete workshop source code and the script that was my guide to create the demos.

As a side note, I will be translating the demos to screencasts so you can follow along. It should take me a few weeks, but they will get there.

Jason Dean


Thanks! It was a great session. I wish it could have gone 5 hours so we could finish everything you had planned. That said, I really got A LOT out of the presentation. The layout demo was great and helped me wrap my head around some of the concepts around the layout manager.

I look forward to the screencasts.

Peter Bell

Great presentation - really exciting!

chris hough

excellent presentation, very informative and I look forward to the walk throughs - thank you Luis

O?uz Demirkap?

It was great Luis. Thanks! :)