ColdBox Nightly Builds now available!

ColdBox Nightly Builds now available!

Posted by Luis Majano
Nov 06, 2007 00:00:00 UTC
Thanks to Rob Gonda., ColdBox now has nightly builds. You can download the nightly build from the following location:

I have added the information to the wiki and will be updating the other locations soon. The task runs at 12:00 AM every day. When you unzip the build, you will see a build file included, so you know which one it is.

Luis Majano

AJ, As bleeding edge software, it might be buggy. Beta releases tend to be more stable than nightly. So it might be a shot in the dark or it might be a good solution for you.

I would use them!! :)

AJ Mercer

Cool :-) Thanks Luis. Thanks Rob.

Do you want to know if we runnin into any issues, or wait until the official beta?