Well, ColdBox is finally 1 year old. Actually it was yesterday, but I have been moving to my new house so it has been really really hectic. Here is the blog post I did back in June 16, 2006 on an introduction to ColdBox. I would have not believed this project would have gotten so far and so quick, but with the help of God it has. I am really excited about ColdBox and the direction it has been heading into. The community support for it has been overwhelming in the little time the framework has been open source. I am glad to report that there has been over 1200 downloads of the framework so far and counting. Development on this project has been going strong and will continue to be even stronger now that Brian Legros is on the team. I am a firm believer in quick and small updates in order to maintain the fixes as quick as possible and be integrating tested new features in slow amounts. This has been incredibly successful.

So watch out for the upcoming updates this week for both framework and Dashboard. Again, I am really happy to say that this project has crossed the year marker and with incredible numbers. Please leave a comment about your success with ColdBox, how it can be better or if you are interested on it. This next year will be filled with even more excitement, new features and YES PRESENTATIONS, I have had no time for this, but will soon free up for it. As always, please contact me if you would like to contribute to this project.