Mac Tip Of The Day: Enabling the trackpad tap click

Mac Tip Of The Day: Enabling the trackpad tap click

Posted by Luis Majano
Jan 18, 2006 00:00:00 UTC
Thanks to a collegue of mine at work, Tom, he needed help on why the mac's trackpad does not produce a click when you tap it like any other pc. Well, the answer is that the mac does not have this feature enabled by default, neither the draggin using the trackpad.

So in order to enable this feature, you must do the following.

1. Open the System Preferences.


here's an even better solution: install Sidetrack ( You can customize the trackpad in a number of ways..i have mine set up so that tapping on the top right corner is a right click, and tapping on the bottom right corner is a middel click. It's simple to conifugre, and havent had any problems with it yet.

Luis Majano

Thanks Rich!! Will definetely check it out!! That would be extremely helpful.