I have been developing more and more on Railo and I am really liking some of its unique features due to its simplicity and total awesomeness. Here is a small tip on how to serialize complex objects such as queries, structures, arrays, and a whole gammut of all those types NESTED!!. All you need to do is call the serialize() method to convert the entire complex object into its string represenation. Then call evaluate() and Railo will evaluate the text back to its original object. EASY!!

At least much easier than trying to do serialization and deserialization with java. Anyways, I thought I would share this little tip:

myStruct = {fname:'Luis',lname:'Majano',great:'You Know it!!',




//Serialize the struct

MySerialization = serialize(myStruct);

writeOutput("MySerialized Structure: #MySerialization#");

//Reinflate it back.

NewStruct = evaluate(MySerialization);
