I got back from CF.Objective this Saturday night and what a great conference. I had the privilege to speak for my second year at CF.Objective and I really enjoy this conference. The high energy and advanced topics is definitely what I enjoyed the most. For this year the sessions that I really enjoyed where Marc Esher's Test Driven Development, Sean Corfield's CFSpec discussion, the Git BOF, the Railo BOF and the new ORM cf9 features.

I think the most enjoyable BOF I attended was git lead by Peter Bell and Simeon Bateman, those guys KNOW THEIR STUFF!! Peter even posted the git pressos that I will be studying for quite a while. I am really starting to consider more an more a move to GIT for the entire ColdBox suite. Simeon had some EXCELLENT day to day cases and great explanations of how GIT differs from SVN. Thanks Simeon and Peter!!

Another important part of CF.Objective where my mocking and testing discussions with Bill Shelton from the MXUnit Team. It was uncanny that we where both developing some kind of mocking frameworks and our ideas where eerily similar. We definitely got our Mock On and discussed so many improvements for the upcoming MXUnit MightyMock and the new ColdBox Addition: MockBox!! I really enjoyed our session Bill and hopefully we can join forces on this one!!