I have been recently using the cfcompile utility, but under windows and linux. And since I am a Mac convert now, I have been doing all my development on MAC. However, I found out that the installer does not even place the cfcompile.sh utility in the bin directory of the CFMX installation.

Basically, cfcompile is not supported on MAC OS X (Am I right here???). So I decided to fool around a bit to see if I could figure out why. Well, basically, I created a new case in the cfcompile.sh script for the Mac OS "Darwin" and made sure that it would point to the correct places to compile the source into java bytecode.

I am attaching the full cfcompile.sh script for you to try out. Here is a sample of the case for the -deploy argument:



/bin/sh -c "${Setting: _JAVACMD not found} -cp $CLASSES -Dcoldfusion.classPath=$CFUSION_HOME/lib/updates,$CFUSION_HOME/lib -Dcoldfusion.libPath=$CFUSION_HOME/lib coldfusion.tools.CommandLineInvoker Compiler -deploy -webinf $WEBINF -webroot $webroot -cfroot $CFUSION_HOME -srcdir $srcdir -deploydir $deploydir"


I removed the su, since in Mac OS, the cfmx engine runs under the install user. So there was no need to su to that specific user.

I in no way support this tinkering, do at your own risk. I may be doing it wrong or badly, however, it has worked for me.

I am attaching the cfcompile.sh for you to download.

Hope you enjoy it.