Well, the last beta roundup is here, and yes, it includes the new and improved ColdBox Dashboard. So please enjoy this beta as it includes the following updates and enhancements:

- ColdBox Dashboard 2.0.0

- Welcome to ColdBox IoC Object Caching:

You can now enable the IOC plugin to cache your service objects in the coldbox cache.

In order to do this, you will have to enable it in your config file via the 'IOCObjectCaching' flag. Then, you will need to get rid of your singletons in your IOC declartion files and declare your singletons via the cfcomponet tag using the 'cache=true' metadata attribute. You can also assign a timeout here.

- Caching Debugging Panel Enhanced.

- Coldspring now receives the coldbox controller reference as part of the settings structure. The gap in the model is now closed. You can now reference the active coldbox controller in your IoC configuration files by using '${Setting: coldbox_controller not found}'. You will now be able to use the framework in your model objects if needed.

- AppMapping setting in the config file is now optional. If set in the config file, then it will override the auto-detected mapping. This is a great feature if your main application root is not reachable from the url.

- The new object to use in the event handler methods and layouts/views is 'Event' to standardize with conventions.

- All documentation updated to 2.0.0

- BlueDragon fixes

- Minor fixes,updates.

- Install ANT task, so you can refactor the code if needed.

- Application Template ANT task. You can now create new applications via ANT.

- More guides coming soon.

You can find the beta in the forums as usual

Well, enjoy this latest beta as the release is coming soon.