I am just announcing that I bought www.coldboxframework.com and www.coldboxframework.org. and they will soon begin to show some life. I also have prepared my new Trac site hosted by SVN Repository which is truly awesome.

Soon I will be releasing the read only access to the SVN repository and let people play around with the upcoming 1.1.0 release. (More on this below)

The new address for the Trac site is: http://ortus.svnrepository.com/coldbox/trac.cgi

So what will the 1.1.0 release include? Why use it? why why why? Well, I have been taking all the feedback from the previous releases, tested, tested, and more tested, and came up with a leaner and meaner framework. All thanks to the great feedback for a framework that has been released to the public not so long ago, but been used privately for more than a year now.

The main question that people had asked about the framework is why should you use it and what is the difference with what is out there already: Fusebox, mach-ii, model-glue, etc. Well here are some answers for you that will shed light on the subject and prepare you for what is coming along.