I needed to upgrade my coldfusion JDBC drivers for MySQL since I upgraded my release to 5.0 and here is the little how to.

1) Donwload the JDBC drivers from here:


2) Extract the archive and copy the following file:


to the following destination:


{j2ee path}/servers/lib

If you want it available to all servers or just for the Coldfusion app then:

{cfmx instance path}/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/WEB-INF/lib


{cfmx path}/wwwroot/WEB-INF/lib

3) Restart your CFMX instance or server.

4) Go to your Datasources in your coldfusion administrator to register a new datasource:

Name: {Your datasource name}

JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://{your host}:3306/{your database}

Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Driver Name: MySQL 5.0

User Name: {Username}

Password: {Your Password}

And that is it.