Why Model with UML?
As you all know by know, ColdFusion is an excellent OO platform for web development and as our systems grew in complexity and maintainability we need to plan REALLY WELL!! The best way we can is UML, the Unified Modeling Language. The purpose of the Unified Modeling Language is to provide a language-independent and platform independent modeling notation. UML tools are as versatile as the UML is foundational.
I am so used to modeling in UML now that it is a REQUIREMENT for any project, no matter how small or how big. In that sense, some of you may be beginning to see the benefits of object modeling and may wonder how in the world to start. Well, I found a great article in the NetBeans website that touches on why to use UML and provides some great samples. Although it is directed to the Java developer, I believe a ColdFusion developer can gain some benefit from it.