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Netbeans on MAC, cvs over ssh connection problems

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Oracle's SQL Developer, Better than Toad

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Java's gettickcount(), How to get the current time in milliseconds

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Coldfusion-Java Snippet: Get your Operating System's File Separator.

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Coldfusion Snippet: Make a sleep timer using Java

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

The ultimate database query Tool, Aqua Data Studio

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Coldfusion Snippet: Get your local server hostname

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Refreshing Coldfusion Web Service Stubs

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...