Into The Box 2024 Videos Available!
Into The Box is a web development conference I help start almost 11 years ago in the Minneapolis area. It centered on collaboration, networking, and just good fellowship with our fellow CFML/Web Developers. It mostly centered at the beginning around ColdBox, as that was my only open-source project at the time. However, now after 11 years it has morphed into a full-fledged web development conference focusing on all kinds of projects, languages and of course all the goodness we create at Ortus.
This year was special as we brought forth BoxLang.
Into The Box 2015 Call For Speakers
The Into The Box 2015 conference has just been announced and I am super excited to be part of it for another year. This year it was a great success and such a great networking event with speakers and attendees from across the world.
Into The Box 2014 Photo Album
Just wanted to share the Into The Box 2014 Conference Photo Album Slideshow! It was a great and exciting event, see you next year!
Into The Box Is Here!
I am very excited to be part of the first even BOX conference: Into The Box 2014 this May 13th, 2014.