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ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 493: This one is for BlueDragon fans!!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 2.0.0 Beta Build 477 is ready for download + more!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Firefox-IE Search Plugin. Come and Get it!!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 2.0 New Feature - Pre/Post Event Handlers

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox: More guides updated!!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 1.2.0: RequestContext name change to Event. What are your thoughts?

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 1.1.0 Downloads Failing, Fixed.

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 1.2.0 Becomes 2.0.0 and License Change

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Alternate Installation Methods

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 1.2.0 Beta Build 446 is now available.

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...