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ColdBoxReader at RIA Forge

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox surpases the 500 downloads.

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Updates: Getting back on Track!!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Framework: Should the fwreinit action be protected?

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Framework SVN access now available!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Why does ColdBox exist? Why another framework?

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox Google Groups Created!!

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Frameworks Conference, I got nominated. Vote for me

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

Online ColdBox Reader Updated

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...

ColdBox 1.1.0 Release and Dashboard Preview

Luis Majano is a Christian Computer Engineer & president of Ortus Solutions, a ColdFusion consulting company behind&...